Dairy Farming demo

Crystal Blue structured water units have numerous benefits when used in a dairy farm. Not only is there savings in the input costs but the overall health of the animal improves significantly. Structured Water promotes an increase in quality & quantity of the output.


milk can - structured water in farming - structured water benefits in dairy
healthy cattle, cows with cans of milk - milk production farming with structure water

Increases milk production

cow eating grass - dairy farming with structured water - water structuring units
feeding cows - milk production & dairy farming with structured water units

Increases feed efficiency

green heart - daiy farm milk production with structured water - structured water units
brown calf with cow - structured water in dairy farming - water imploder India

Increases bioavailability of nutrients

temperature - structured water benefits in dairy farming - water imploder for agriculture & farming
brown cows in lake - structured water for farms in India - water implosion technology

Increases tolerances to temperature extremes

black & white cow - Structured water unit for dairy farm - structured water benefits
herd of cows in farm - structured water units for dairy - cattle farming water filters

Immunity enhancement

CH4 - cattle farming & milk production with structured water units India -
black & white domestic dairy cow - cattle farming with structured water - benefits & uses

Ammonia reduction

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