Research on performance of structured water on growth, yield and quality of cotton and vegetables.
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Water Technology Centre, Coimbatore
Yield attributes, yield and quality was higher under application of 100% structured water
Under structured water higher nutrient uptake (NPK) was recorded when compared to ordinary water irrigation.
Research on influence of structured water on the performance of broiler chicken
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai
The weight of chicken was numerically higher in structured water group.
Extra profit earned was INR 2.07 per bird under structured water group
Research on effect of structured water on yield and quality of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Variety Thompson Seedless
University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot
Structured water along with 100% RDF found beneficial as compared to bore well water treatments.
Structured water slightly improves the water quality like pH, EC etc…
Research on effect of structured water on yield and quality of cotton
Central Institute of Cotton Research, Coimbatore
The uninoculated control with structured water yielded 3135 kg/ha seed cotton as compared to 2695 kg/ha under bore well irrigated water.
(Report published in ICAR Annual Report 2014 – 2015)
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Study on surface tension of water.
CENTER OF EXCELLENCE – INDUSTRIAL / HOME TEXTILES (Dept. of Textile Technology/Automobile Engineering) Promoted by Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
The surface tension of water reduced to 48.3 mN/m from 58.0 mN/m
Study on effect of structured water on Chicken eggs.
Dr. Krishna Madappa, PhD
More flavour, less to nil sulphurous odour from the Structured Water egg.
Less Entropy indicates more order and vitality of the egg, which the structured water egg represented.
Study on effect of structured water on Sugar Cane.
Dr. Krishna Madappa, PhD
Structured water significantly increased cell hydration and light quanta.
Distinctive increase in sweetness, flavour among the cane fed with structured water.
Soil Analysis Report
Central Sericulture Research and Training Institute, Mysore
Soil pH improved and the availability of potassium is more in the case of structured water group
Results of Structured Water Vs Normal Water
Eurofins Agroscience Services Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore
The results are indicative of yield increase when fed with structured water when compared with Normal water.
Water Analysis Report
South India Textile Research Association (SITRA), Textile Chemistry Division, Coimbatore
The study indicates a remarkable increase in pH balance, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen in structured water.
World Cotton Research Conference
Cotton Agronomy And Sustainable Production
Beneficial effects of structured water and pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs for growth, yield and quality of irrigated cotton