Musk Melon Cultivation

At Kumbainaloor, Dharmapuri (TNAU Study)

Bore – Well Water

Structured Water

Bore – Well Water

Structured Water

Bore – Well Water

Structured Water

ParametersBore-well WaterStructured water
Growth of the plantGrowth of the plant was less Length and no of branches also less Leaf size and width was lessGrowth of the plant is more Length and branches was more Leaf size and width was more
Soil Water absorptionLessMore
Appearance of PlantBranches was less spread Color of leaf looks pale with white patches and burnt for hot sunBranches was more spread Color of leaf looks green, fresh and less white patches
Appearance of FruitColor of the fruit was light orange and less light brownColor of the fruit was mixed with dark orange and dark brown
Taste of FruitLess sweat and little sour And hardMore sweat, Soft and crispy
Harvest Results8 kg’s in 5 cents(11.27 kg’s in 7 cents)12 kg’s in 7 cents